


Erasmus + project                     


CHAPTER is a project between secondary schools from Croatia, Greece, Italy, Spain, Sweeden and Turkey, that addresses secondary students of 15-19 who are studying English as a foreign language.

The aim is to develop students’ literacy, reading, information, digital and cultural skills with reading, writing and acting out literary pieces of participating cultures, and by exposing them to natural and meaningful foreign language environments.

The main goals are to develop reading habits of students through international partnership, recognize the value of the cultural heritage of the nation to which they belongs and help to understand the common cultural background of European peoples, which will enhance social cohesion, and promote EU dimension of schools involved.

Our project will last for two years. We will present each other our nations’ origins and heritage, carry on with literature works that we interpret by our curricula, and complete with the most popular literary works of our time. The idea is to present a spectre of national literature of six European countries, and to get wise which books are popular between students in these countries.

Interpretation is based on creative work, and improving various types of literacy, ICT skills and modern methodology. That will accomplish students’ intellectual, social and emotional development, aided by teamwork and peer by peer education.

CHAPTER is interdisciplinary project in which the school subjects of Language and Foreign Languages, but also History, Geography, Religion, Music and Art have a large impact. To carry out the activities envisaged in our project, teachers will join their work in the eTwinning project. Through meeting and trainings, a forum on eTwinning and social networks, and direct contact and cooperation, teachers will exchange good practices to help them implement these methodologies at their organizations, merging traditional teaching methods based on developing and improving basic literacy with a 21st century literacy skills. Participants bring their experience and expertise into this multicultural community. Sweeden has great knowledge in technology literacy, Spain library organizes events that aim to promote reading and attracting students to borrow books, Turkey is experienced in literature-related competitions and drama activities, Italy is experienced in promoting their cultural heritage through various celebrations and events, Greece is great multicultural school involved in various activities, whilst Croatia is awarded eTwinner ready to share good practices and knowledge, and experienced Erasmus+ coordinator whose project got great points in the final report.

During these two years, students will create and edit a literary corner, record short films and plays, take photos, write newletters and blogs, collaborate on Twinspace, create book covers, posters, picture books, illustrations, participate in competitions and contests. Both students and teachers  will take part in several activities including reading and discussing selected books, writing drama scripts and acting out their play. Other areas of art such as design, illustration, taking photos and shooting films are incorporated in the tasks to deliver. They will also connect via videoconferences and penpals (by email and paper mail) and the students participating in the exchanges (mobilities to other countries) will learn about European literature and its influence in the culture, and after arrival, will present results to the rest of students, teachers, families and wide public. The final products will be Stories of our origins, Lets Get Reading brochure, E-CookBook, a drama script and performance, Literary Corners at schools, numerous ICT outcomesp  resented on TwinSpace of our project, and the establishment of a student volunteer system to ensure the longevity of project after the completition of the project activities. At the end of the project, participants will have developed different kind of literacy skills, both teachers and students will have improved their communicative skills using the English Language and their digital competences through the use of web2tools. They will also have developed social and intepersonal skills and a sense of European belonging. Schools participating will be more openminded to the European neighbours, and apart from the participants’s impacts already mentioned, they will be updated organizations, where innovative teaching methodologies will be implemented and integrated in their curriculum.
